
Christensen Lab – Northwestern University

Coming soon!

Jenna’s Postdoc work at UC San Diego

Songster, L.D., Bhuyan, D., Christensen, J.R.+, and Reck-Peterson, S.L.+ (2023). Woronin body hitchhiking on early endosomes is dispensable for septal localization in Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 34, 1-11.+Co-corresponding authors [link]

Christensen, J.R. and Reck-Peterson, S.L. (2022). Hitchhiking across kingdoms: cotransport of cargos in fungal, animal, and plant cells. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev Biol. 38,155-178. [link]

Kendrick, A.A.+ and Christensen, J.R.+ (2022). Comment: Bidirectional lysosome transport: a balancing act between ARL8 effectors. Nature Communications. 13, 5261.+Co-corresponding authors. [link]

Christensen, J.R.*, Kendrick, A.A.*, Truong, J.B., Aguilar-Maldonado, A., Adani, V., Dzieciatkowska, M., and Reck-Peterson, S.L. (2021). Cytoplasmic dynein-1 cargo diversity is mediated by the combinatorial assembly of FTS-Hook-FHIP complexes. eLife. 10:e74538. *Co-first authors [link]

Mogre, S.S., Christensen, J.R., Reck-Peterson, S.L., and Koslover, E.K. (2021). Optimizing microtubule arrangements for rapid cargo capture. Biophysical Journal. 120, 4918-4931.[link]

Salogiannis, J.*, Christensen, J.R.*, Songster, L.D., Aguilar-Maldonado, A., Shukla, N., and Reck-Peterson, S.L. (2021). PxdA interacts with the DipA phosphatase to regulate endosomal hitchhiking of peroxisomes. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 32, 492-503.*Co-first authors. [link]

Christensen, J.R. (2021) Perspective: A WICB 50th Favorite: A conserved mechanism for mitochondria-dependent dynein anchoring. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 32, 1794. [link]

Mogre, S.S., Christensen, J.R., Niman, C.S., Reck-Peterson, S.L., and Koslover, E.K. (2020). Hitching a ride: mechanics of organelle transport through linker-mediated hitchhiking. Biophysical Journal. 118, 1357-1369. [link]

Jenna’s PhD work at University of Chicago

Christensen, J.R.*, Craig, E.W.*, Glista, M.J., Mueller, D., Li, Y., Sees., J.A., Skau, C.T., Huang, S., Suarez, C., Mets, L.J.+, Kovar, D.R.+, and Avasthi, P.A.+ (2019). Chlamydomonas reinhardtii formin FOR1 and profilin PRF1 are optimized for acute rapid actin filament assembly. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 30, 3123-3125.*Co-first authors +Co-corresponding. [link]

Christensen, J.R.*, Homa, K.E.*, Morganthaler, A.N., Brown, R.R., Suarez, C., Harker, A.J., O’Connell, M.E., and Kovar, D.R. (2019). Cooperation between Tropomyosin and α-actinin inhibits Fimbrin association with actin filament networks in fission yeast. eLife. 8:47279. *Co-first authors. [link]

Christensen, J.R., Hocky, G.M., Morganthaler, A.N., Homa, K.E., Hitchcock-DeGregori, S.E., Voth, G.A., and Kovar, D.R. (2017). Competition between Tropomyosin, Fimbrin, and ADF/Cofilin drives their sorting to distinct actin filament networks. eLife. 6:23152. [link]

Bestul, A.J.*, Christensen, J.R.*, Grzegorzewska, A.P., Burke, T.A., Sees, J.A., Carroll, R.T., Sirotkin, V., Keenan, R.J., Kovar, D.R. (2014). Fission yeast profilin is tailored to facilitate actin assembly by the cytokinesis formin Cdc12. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 26, 283-293. *Co-first authors. [link]

Winkelman, J.D., Suarez, C., Hocky, G.M., Harker, A.J., Morganthaler, A.N., Christensen, J.R., Voth, G.A., Bartles, J.R., and Kovar, D.R. (2016). Fascin- and α-Actinin-bundled networks contain intrinsic structural features that drive protein sorting. Current Biology. 24, 2697-2706. [link]

Li, Y., Christensen, J.R.*, Homa, K.E.*, Hocky, G.M., Fok, A., Sees, J.A., Voth, G.A., Kovar, D.R. (2016). The F-actin bundler α-actinin Ain1 is tailored for ring assembly and constriction during cytokinesis in fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 27, 1821-1833. *Contributed equally. [link]

Suarez, C., Carroll, R.T., Burke, T.A., Christensen, J.R., Bestul, A.J., Sees, J.A., James, M.L., Sirotkin, V., Kovar, D.R. (2015). Profilin regulates F-actin network homeostasis by favoring formin over Arp2/3 complex. Developmental Cell. 32, 43-53.[link]

Burke, T.A., Christensen, J.R., Barone, E., Suarez, C., Sirotkin, V., Kovar, D.R. (2014). Homeostatic actin cytoskeleton networks are regulated by assembly factor competition for monomers. Current Biology. 24, 579-85.[link]